Sunday, May 31, 2015

Baby on the way!

This is a big year of change for the Kelley house - we are expecting our first child, a baby boy, September 10, 2015! Of course, we couldn't be more thrilled. Hal and I have been engaging in many conversations about raising our kiddos overseas, in a very new culture and language. I've already learned way more Turkish gynecological words than I ever imagined I would this first year in Turkey.

Say hello to our little man!

I'm now 25 weeks pregnant (out of a hopeful 40!) and have been enjoying all of his movements throughout the day. Some of which really shock me - how can a tiny little body make my belly move THAT much from the inside!? wild!

Pregnancy has shown me more than ever before that we serve an amazing, miraculous, detailed God!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How did we get here?

A little snapshot of our professional, casual, then romantic relationship...

Let's rewind to 1992. In Spain, we have a super cute, passionate, joyful little 4 year old named Harold... & then we find an energetic, friendly, blonde little 3 year old named Amy in California. Amazing how God can intersect two very different paths in His timing!

One of our first encounters: December 2009. So attractive.

God continued to weave our story together... and placed us on the same team in China!

2011 :: livin' the high life as Chinese foreign exchange students.
August 2012 : Hal's gutsy move to ask me out on a date! I said yes... excitedly hesitant.
Fall 2012 : That romantic spark stayed it's course through 10 [long] months of long distance dating...

November 2012 : The flame continued to grow when I visited Hal in China. (Where we first said "I love you!")

January 2013 : The second visit [now in Thailand] proved to be more fruitful... got a diamond ring!
My strong fiance!

I returned home from that second a new person -- soon to be Mrs. Kelley! With five months until we were to meet again, and six months to plan a wedding, I got started! My mom & sisters proved to be a huge help throughout the whole process. Such a fun season of preparation, excitement, and waiting!

Though we were apart, I was so privileged to get together with my future in-laws multiple times! This picture was taken at Ben's Medical School graduation in Chicago. May 2013.

After 10 months of long distance dating, and 5 months of engagement, the wait was over! Hal returned to the States in June and despite major jet lag, we we ECSTATIC to be reunited! 

 Then, we got married! Wahoo!

July 20, 2013 : We got married! & we like to kiss! hehe.

We love our Stone family!

We love our Kelley family!
& we love all our friends! 

& now here we are... lounging in our LA apartment, enjoying the cool air of the portable AC and a nice cool glass of lemonana (cf: After even these brief reflections I am moved to thankfulness for all God has done to bring us to this place. Sure, it hasn't been easy... and each season definitely wasn't 100% fun, but man it was worth it! God is good and we rejoice in His plan.


I intend for this blog to be a sort of chronicle of life. As my family and I live, grow, travel, and serve, I hope that this Kelley Chronicle may be a source of encouragement and inspiration both to me as I go back and recount the road of life, and for others who may be interested in peeking in on our life's journey. As Elisabeth Elliot has said of journals, "[They are a great] record of His faithfulness, and my own faithlessness too - which teaches me to value His grace and mercy."

So, I invite you to join us - Hal and Amy Kelley - as we journey through life with the Lord both here and around the world. Throughout this journey we hope you can be encouraged by the summary of our little life's events as we walk, day by day.